Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

Bitmask the boolean attributes!

Some database tables suffer from excessive boolean attributes. Especially when most are likely to be NULL.
Merging the boolean attributes into one single bitmasked integer attribute is a solution. Then the integer value represents multiple flags (booleans) bitwise. Metaphorical spoken: several boolean attributes are stacked into the value of one integer attribute
The advantages for bitmasking boolean attributes are:
  1. much lower attribute baggage: 1 integer (usually 4 bytes) can take up to 32 boolean attributes
  2. flexible database structure (a new boolean attribute does not require a database migration)
  3. readable semantic values (the values are meaningful compared to the boolean true/ false)
  4. dynamic access to the bitmask values, which feels more Rubyish
Although there are various pros, the downsides also have to be considered. Bitmasking definitely does not fit for every use case, like most patterns. Abusing it introduces more pain than relief, because it also:
  1. reduces readability in the database layer (the stacked integer value is hiding the meaningful attribute names)
  2. introduces a (very small) Ruby layer for processing the stacked values (back and forth)
  3. means to work around attribute representations, which rely on the database data type (like simple_form gem)
The gem bitmask_attribute lightens the workload for dealing with the bitmasking logic. It provides a nice API to deal with. So instead of a migration with only a few boolean attributes:
create_table :people do |t| 
  t.string :name
  t.boolean :product_owner, null: false, default: false
  t.boolean :developer, null: false, default: false
  t.boolean :scrum_master, null: false, default: false
  t.boolean :sales, null: false, default: false
the same model can be refactored to:
create_table :people do |t| 
  t.string :name
  t.integer :roles
The appropriate model:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  bitmask :roles, 
    as: [:scrum_master, :product_owner, :developer, :sales]
and by now the bitmask can be used:
=> [:scrum_master, :product_owner, :developer, :sales]
person = Person.create name: 'Bob', 
  roles: [:scrum_master, :developer]
=> [:scrum_master, :developer]
person.roles << :sales
=> [:scrum_master, :developer, :sales]
person.roles? :developer
=> true
If the bitmask has to be represented by check boxes in the Ruby on Rails view:
<% Person.values_for_roles.each do |role| %>
  <%= check_box_tag 'person[roles][]', role, 
        @person.roles.include?(role), id: role %>
  <%= label_tag role, role.to_s.humanize %>
<% end %>
generates the HTML:

Using bitmask_attribute requires to think about the pros and cons in the forefront, because migrating the production data back to boolean attributes is awkward. Furthermore, when it comes to boolean attributes representing several states (especially when the combination of boolean attributes respresent those states), a state machine should be considered.
Further articles of interest:

Supported by Ruby 2.1.1 and Ruby on Rails 3.2.19

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

Filter the named parameters!

Named parameters are great for reducing complexity of method parameters in Ruby. Filtering the named parameters for relevance, by limiting the keys to the expected few, makes sense in some cases. Especially, if logic is bound to the API keywords.
An example Team class API could be:
class Team
  def initialize name, roles={}
    @name = name
    @roles = roles

  def roles
end'Scrum', product_owner: 'Alice', 
  scrum_master: 'Bob').roles
=> [:product_owner, :scrum_master]
looks plausible.
But:'Scrum', product_owner: 'Alice', 
  sales: 'Sarah').roles
=> [:product_owner, :sales]
is definitely not a Scrum team.
Every time the API expects certain named parameters, those have to be filtered, like:
class Team
  def initialize name, roles={}
    @name = name
    @roles = [:product_owner, :scrum_master, :developer].
      each_with_object( { |role, hash| 
        hash[role] = roles[role] if roles.has_key?(role) 

  def roles
end'Scrum', product_owner: 'Alice', 
  sales: 'Sarah').roles
=> [:product_owner]
Please note, that :sales was filtered out, like any would have been except :product_owner, :scrum_master or :developer.
The Hash filtering logic is likely supposed to be repeated. And that is why extending the Hash is plausible.
Ruby on Rails already has in their ActiveSupport gem. The Hash#slice does exactly filter a Hash for keys. So the example in Ruby On Rails would rather look like:
class Team
  def initialize name, roles={}
    @name = name
    @roles = roles.slice :product_owner, :scrum_master, :developer

  def roles
end'Scrum', product_owner: 'Alice', 
  sales: 'Sarah').roles
=> [:product_owner]
Furthermore Hash#slice! even replaces the hash itself with the given keys. But beware it returns a hash with the removed key/ value pairs.
Further articles of interest:

Supported by Ruby 2.1.1 and Ruby on Rails 4.1.8

Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Customize the Rails FormBuilder!

Tolerating as less as possible Ruby logic in the Ruby on Rails views is a basic pattern.
But instead of putting the logic into a Helpers method or Decorator class, moving it into a customized FormBuilder is worth a consideration.
Especially when it:
  1. is tied to a form
  2. is repeated
  3. generates tags (or even multi tag widgets)
Lots of Ruby on Rails views suffer from Ruby blocks with only logic inside (generating the over and over same HTML tag structure) or iterations like:
<% form_for @recipe do |f| %>
  <% (1..10).each do |rating| %>
    <%= f.radio_button :rating, rating %>
    <%= f.label "rating_#{rating}", rating %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>
What if the view could be refactored to:
<% form_for @recipe, builder: Forms::CollectionFormBuilder do |f| %>
  <%= f.labeled_radio_button_group 1..10, :rating %>
<% end %>
Please note the defined option builder:, pointing to the customized FormBuilder.
The better readability is obvious, aside from the less coding. It can be achieved by creating a new class (collection_form_builder.rb) in lib/forms:
module Forms
  class CollectionFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
    def labeled_radio_button_group collection, method, options={}
      collection.inject(''.html_safe) { |html, value|
        checked = object.send(method).eql? value
        options[:id] = "#{method}_#{value}"
        html += @template.radio_button_tag("#{@object_name}[#{method}]", value, checked, options) + 
        @template.label_tag(options[:id], value)
by inheriting from ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder. Thus some instance variables stated by FormBuilder#form_for are available:
  1. @object (the object assigned to form_for itself, like @recipe)
  2. @object_name (the objects name, like "recipe")
  3. @template (the current view (an instance of ActionView::Base); this object provides all methods available in your view)
  4. @options (the options assigned to form_for)
  5. @proc (the block assigned to form_for)
The @template object is coupled with concat (for output) and @proc (which provides the binding from your view). And it provides access to all standard ActionView::Base helper methods, including the custom helper methods (e.g. defined in ApplicationHelper). Furthermore partials can be rendered with @template:
@template.render partial: "fancy_widget", 
                 locals:  { object: @object }
Besides overwriting existing FormBuilder methods can make sense:
module Forms
  class LabeledFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
    def check_box method, options={}, checked_value="1", unchecked_value="0"
      text = options.delete :text
      @template.content_tag(:label) {
        super(method, options, checked_value, unchecked_value) +
        (text or checked_value).to_s.html_safe
which generates the typical check box tag embraced by a label tag:
<% form_for @recipe, builder: Forms::LabeledFormBuilder do |f| %>
  <%= f.check_box :published, text: 'Published', id: nil %>
<% end %>
resulting in HTML:

Further articles of interest:

Supported by Ruby 2.1.1 and Ruby on Rails 4.1.8

Sonntag, 4. Januar 2015

Splat in Ruby method parameters!

Some methods have to deal with collections. The method definition for assigning a collection should not look like:
class Recipe
  def initialize ingredients=[]
    @ingredients = ingredients
because sending the message then is as awful as: ['Banana', 'Chocolate', 'Almonds']
or even worse: ['Banana']
But the splat (*) operator in Ruby can solve it. The code can be refactored to:
class Recipe
  def initialize *ingredients
    @ingredients = ingredients.flatten.sort

  def ingredients
    @ingredients.join(', ')
and sending the message again:
recipe = 'Banana', 'Chocolate', 'Almonds'
=> "Almonds, Banana, Chocolate"
or assigning just one object: 'Banana'
Even assigning an Array works, because Array#flatten flattens the collection into an one dimensional array:
ingredients = %w(Banana Chocolate Almonds)
recipe = ingredients
=> #<Recipe:0x00000003de66a8 @ingredients=["Almonds", "Banana", "Chocolate"]>
In general the splat (*) operator can be used to split an Array:
one, two, three = *[1, 2, 3]
=> 1
=> 2
=> 3
and to collect an Array:
*numbers = 1, 2, 3
=> [1, 2, 3]
With the help of the Ruby splat (*) operator method parameters can be variable from zero up to many and handled as an Array internally. No archaic Array assignments anymore. And flatten the collection parameter with Array#flatten increases the flexibility of the API method.
Further articles of interest:

Supported by Ruby 2.1.1